Micronutrient Testing

About The SpectraCell Test

SpectraCell’s Micronutrient test provides the most comprehensive nutritional analysis available by measuring functional deficiencies at the cellular level. It is an assessment of how well the body utilizes 31 vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites, while conveying the body’s need for these micronutrients that enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and other substances essential for proper growth, development, and good health. Repletion recommendations are made based on need.

This test is unique because it measures the functional level and capability of micronutrients present within white blood cells (lymphocytes), where metabolism takes place and where micronutrients do their job – thus taking a person’s biochemical individuality into account. Unlike static serum measurements, which only assess the concentration of nutrients present outside of the cell (extracellular) and only provide a glimpse of your health, SpectraCell’s Micronutrient test is a long-term assessment (4-6 months) that addresses the functional impact (performance) of micronutrients – what really matters.

Why is nutrient status important?

Virtually all metabolic and developmental processes that take place in the body require micronutrients, and strong evidence suggests that subtle vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies can contribute to degenerative processes such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Evaluating micronutrient status can therefore be the first step in identifying metabolic inadequacies while shedding light on the possible underlying causes of complex chronic conditions.

Vitamin deficiencies are not just a reflection of diet. We are all biochemically unique and nutrient deficiencies vary from client to client, and do not necessarily correlate directly with nutrient intake, as many factors beyond diet determine whether nutrient function is adequate. These include

  • biochemical differences
  • genetics
  • absorption
  • metabolism
  • and age

Who could benefit from micronutrient testing?

Many disease conditions and medications can have an effect on nutrient levels. Every biochemical process in the body depends on specific nutrients to carry out the process. Those who are suffering with the following could benefit from micronutrient testing:

  • Inflammation
  • Resistance to weight loss
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Decreased energy
  • Depression
  • Lack of proper blood sugar regulation
  • Inability to burn fat or gain muscle

are just a few symptoms that can result from a lack of vital nutrients. If you are feeling unhealthy, a nutrient deficiency may be to blame.

Extensive scientific and clinical studies spanning over 50 years have repeatedly demonstrated that micronutrient deficiencies can adversely affect health. These deficiencies can set the stage for chronic disease and compromised immune health at any stage in life, particularly if they persist.



Specimen Type: Whole Blood

Container: 2 ACD Yellow Top Tubes (Sol. A)

Fasting: Not required


Collect two full ACD yellow top tubes.
Mix by inverting 8 times immediately after drawing.
Do not refrigerate, freeze, or centrifuge specimens.
Label tube with patient name, DOB, and date of collection.
Ship in Micronutrient kit provided.
Expected Turnaround Time: 10-14 business days

Not available in the state of New York

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding SpectraCell Testing

What are the collection Requirements?
Collect two full ACD yellow top tubes.
Mix by inverting 8 times immediately after drawing.
Do not refrigerate, freeze, or centrifuge specimens.
Label tube with patient name, DOB, and date of collection.
Ship in Micronutrient kit provided.
Where do I go for a blood draw?

Step 1 – Please take the signed Test Requisition form and the lab kit to any locations which you can find here: https://www.spectracell.com/drawsite 

Step 2 – Fill out the Test Requisition Form completely with your personal information. Payment type must be completed with payment included to process your sample unless you made arrangements to pay through Fortitude Functional Nutrition. 

Step 3 – The blood draw center will ship the test kit with your blood sample and requisition in the FedEx bag provided (within the kit).

How do I ship the sample?
Specimens may be shipped Monday through Thursday. 

Before shipping, be sure that the Yellow cap vial and the Test Request Form are labeled and completely filled out. Be sure to place the sample vial sealed in the ziplock bag and that the Test Request Form are in the Kit box.

Locate the FedEx Clinical Pak mailer. Fill in your name and address on the shipping label attached to the outside of mailer. Place the kit box into FedEx Clinical Pak. Remove strip to reveal sticky film and press both sides of mailer together to seal the pouch.

Call FedEx to schedule a pick-up. Dial 1-800-238-5355. When the automated greeting begins say “Rep”. When asked if you are shipping a package say “Yes”. A live person will then answer to help schedule your pickup. Let them know you are shipping using a Billable Stamp.
Do I have to pay for postage?
Individuals don’t have to pay for postage, test kits include a pre-paid envelope if mailed in the U.S.
However, international customers must pay for shipping unless a prior contract exists.
Can I drop the kit off at a FedEx location?
Yes, please follow the packing and shipping instructions provided with the test kit.
Do I have to stop medications or supplements prior to testing?
Please do not stop any of your medications before collecting your sample. But, stop all your supplements 72 hours prior to collecting your sample as instructed by your health care practitioner.

Are there any foods I need to avoid prior to taking the test?
No, it is suggested you eat your regular diet.
I sealed bag but forgot to put the paperwork in kit. Can I reopen?
Yes, just tape to reclose.
Can I ship my sample on Friday?
No, ship specimens to the lab only Monday – Thursday. The box should be mailed back to the laboratory with the prepaid postage (included) within two days of completion of the test.
My test kit did not have a requisition form, what do I do?
Unless you already received the test requisition in your private portal, you should email or call our office (at info@fortitudefunctionalnutrition.com or 720-580-2078) for a Test Requisition Form.
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