Foremost, if you are a female facing hair loss, it’s critical to delve further into the possible causes and to identify your type of hair loss. Simply put, there is no absolute cure for some types of baldness (or alopecia), natural or conventional. However, there are many things you can do to hold off hair loss and enhance the health of the hair you do have. The first order of business is to find the “root causes” of your hair loss.
Besides doing lab testing on your hormones, thyroid, iron, and so forth, we will incorporate functional lab testing. This type of lab testing is newer and has its origins in functional medicine. The conventional medical system has not been trained on these types of “functional” labs so most likely, it’s not anything you have done yet. These labs will help us to dig deeper and further analyze the causes of your hair loss. It is important to learn the extent of your damage and also to understand what corrective action needs to be taken to restore your hair growth process by studying the potential your body holds.