Female Hair Loss

Hair thinning can be a sign of a deeper problem that needs to be uncovered and addressed ASAP. 

What type of hair loss do you have? 

Did you know there are 70+ causes of female hair loss? 
The 1st step to fix it is to determine your functional root cause category...






Top Causes of Hair Loss

Nutrient Deficiencies
Food Reactions
Crash Diets
Excessive Exercise
Hormone Imbalances
Poor Digestion
Heavy Metals
Chronic Insomia
Infections/High Fever
Cov!d Shed
Gut Imbalances
Poor Circulation

Finding The Right Solution for Your Hair Loss

What If...

  • You could quickly start growing fuller thicker hair, naturally, right away.
  • Feel great about the reflection you see in the mirror and love your hair again.
  • Stop constantly worrying about covering up bald spots, wearing hats or scarves, or buying expensive hair extensions.
  • ​Be comfortable and confident again in intimate relationships.
  • ​Break through the embarrassment and walk into any social setting with confidence.
  • Stop humiliation from people staring at your thinning hair.
Unfortunately, the common treatment options can be equally as devastating as losing your hair: 
lifelong drugs with undesirable side effects
expensive products, serums and shampoos
painful and pricey procedures

All with multiple promises of easy fixes that DO NOT WORK!

The truth is, the answer may be as simple as giving your body extra nutritional support or maybe you're not properly digesting and absorbing your nutrients. So before you commit yourself to lifelong mainstream medications, dreaded comb-overs, expensive extensions, or painful hair plugs, consider some nutritional approaches and functional lab testing to preserve the hair you’ve got, and most likely regain what’s been lost. It worked naturally for Julie and her clients. 

Hair Loss Matrix

Foremost, if you are a female facing hair loss, it’s critical to delve further into the possible causes and to identify your type of hair loss. Simply put, there is no absolute cure for some types of baldness (or alopecia), natural or conventional. However, there are many things you can do to hold off hair loss and enhance the health of the hair you do have. The first order of business is to find the “root causes” of your hair loss.

Besides doing lab testing on your hormones, thyroid, iron, and so forth, we will incorporate functional lab testing. This type of lab testing is newer and has its origins in functional medicine. The conventional medical system has not been trained on these types of “functional” labs so most likely, it’s not anything you have done yet. These labs will help us to dig deeper and further analyze the causes of your hair loss. It is important to learn the extent of your damage and also to understand what corrective action needs to be taken to restore your hair growth process by studying the potential your body holds.

You Can Stop Thinning Hair in its Tracks...
I Know, I Did!

Like other health challenges, there are so many protocols, promises, nutritional and supplement plans on the internet that (all this information) can be overwhelming and paralyzing! Our approach and process carefully figure out what's personally best for you. We will provide you with actionable steps you can take to support and rebalance your metabolic, immune, and inflammatory systems to get healthy hair once again and revitalize your health!


Functional lab testing to dig deeper to understand exactly what is contributing to your body's dysregulation linked to hair loss.

5-R Program

Determine your imbalances and work together to strengthen your body to grow your hair by successfully completing each phase.   

Personalized Protocol 

Connecting the dots between your symptoms, history and lab results is key to finding the best protocol tailored to your body to grow your hair.

Finding Solutions for Your Hair Loss Can
Mean Vibrant Hair & Health for a Lifetime!

Schedule Now
Before working with Julie, I tried for years to stop my hair from falling out, along with my bloating, and fatigue. Fortunately, Julie was able to successfully find my root causes. Now my hair is back and so is my vibrant health! 
Sarah M.
The results I got from working with Julie are AMAZING! I no longer dread taking a shower (because there's no massive amounts of hair in the drain) and I now look forward to girls night out on the town! 

 Jessica L.

Fortitude Functional Nutrition takes Hair Loss very seriously. Different hair problems have different root causes and different steps to conquer them.

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