Yes! Eating Gluten-Free Can Help with Weight Loss & Chronic Pain Management

Many people lose weight when they begin eating gluten-free. If you have gluten intolerance, you may lose weight because your body can process the food better, but you may also lose weight even without an intolerance. Along with weight-loss, eating gluten-free modulates silent inflammation in the body, which in turn should ease any pain you may be experiencing with muscles and joints.

Gluten is a protein. It’s found in wheat, barley, rye and their derivatives. It’s found in most bread, cereals and bakery products. Incidentally, these are often the products that tend to have a lot of empty calories (no nutrients), sugars, and simple carbs.

Since gluten is such a large protein that's difficult for EVERYBODY to digest, you’ll find that removing gluten will help you to lose weight, as well as get rid of digestive problems such as gas, abdominal bloating, and diarrhea or constipation. Reversing your abdominal irritation can do wonders for how much energy you have and this can facilitate your weight loss! 

When removing gluten containing foods in order to lose weight, you need to still be mindful of what you’re eating. For example, make sure that you don’t replace products containing gluten with other highly processed foods. You’ll want to steer clear of gluten-free products that contain a lot of carbs, sugar, and artificial colors and flavors. These foods will impede your weight loss progress and keep you from attaining your goals.

A true gluten-free diet consists of whole, organic non-processed or packaged foods. These foods are as close to nature as possible and do not include multiple non-descript ingredients, fillers or preservatives. Enjoy a diverse variety of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs, quality proteins and healthy fats.

If you’re dealing with celiac disease, chances are you’ve lost a lot of weight unintentionally. You may be worried that gluten-free diet will cause you to lose even more weight. But in this case, it’s just the opposite. When you get rid of gluten, your body is able to absorb nutrients again. This will help you to regain the weight you lost.

A gluten-free diet is a healthy way to lose weight and reduce your risk of developing some diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Eating gluten-free should be part of every healthy weight loss program!

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